Sunday, October 17, 2021

On City News of Edmonton Putting Out a Story with the Heading, "Young Teen Among New COVID Deaths" and a Summary Farther Down Which Read, "The 14 Year-Old Who Died from COVID-19 Is the Youngest Albertan to Die from the Virus to Date" -

Sounds scary, huh? The only problem here is that by the end of the article the author admits that the kid also had "complex pre-existing medical conditions" that played a role in his death (this according to the attending physicians). That and we also learn from the boy's sister that he had stage 4 cancer and that that was likely the real cause of his death (COVID being incidental as it frequently is). Clearly the paper was banking on the readers just skimming the headline and summary with the motivation obviously being to push their fear-porn narrative. Thankfully Mr. Frei here caught and exposed the bastards - an important task that we should all be doing.

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