Wednesday, September 15, 2021

On Yet Another Ignoramus Female from the Ghastly L.A. Times Sliming California's Black Gubernatorial Candidate, Larry Elder (this Time On Some CNN Program Where of Course She Received No Push-Back), Proclaiming that His Political Philosophy Had Been Shaped by White Supremacist, Jared Taylor

Her "evidence"? Apparently Elder cited Taylor a few times 20 YEARS AGO with one of those citations having to do with an environmental issue. The whole thing is absurd as anybody who's ever listened to Elder for more than a coffee-break can attest to, if his political philosophy has been shaped by anyone it's been by guys like Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams, not by Jared Taylor. Unfortunately being that the average IQ of L.A. Times readers approximates that a Vienna sausage, the lie will likely stick and, trust me, it won't be the last. I guarantee. 

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