Sunday, September 12, 2021

On the Fact that While, Yes, There Are Certainly Parts of the Bible, the Talmud, and Other Old Sacred Texts Which Are Utterly Preposterous, Are They Really Any More Silly than "Boys Can Be Girls", "Two Plus Two Equals Five", "Industriousness Is a Component of White Supremacy", "Concentrating Entirely On One Aspect of Human Health While Ignoring Every Other Aspect of Human Well-Being Makes for Good Public Policy", "Pitting Groups of People Against Each Other Is a Productive Way to Structure Society", "You Can Run a Modern Industrial Economy On Nothing but Windmills, Solar Panels, and Batteries", etc.?

 Yeah, I'm gonna' say, no, strongly (in that they're both religions replete with dogma and totally impervious to evidence, reality, their own tortured logic, etc.).

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