Thursday, September 30, 2021

On the Fact that this Power-Hungry Lunatic (New York's New Governor, Kathy Hochul) Is Ushering In the the National Guard to Replace Healthcare Workers Who She Just Fired Because They Didn't Wish to Undergo an Experimental Medical Procedure with Zero Long-Term Studies, Questionable Effectiveness, No Liability On the Part of the Manufacturer, No Ingredients Listed On the Packaging, and Which Is Also Lighting-Up the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (and Please Keep In Mind that Less than 10% of These Adverse Reactions Are Ever Reported - this According to a Recent Harvard Study)


What's next, public hangings and firing squads for the unvaxxed (with a disproportionate percentage of this population being black- OOPS)? Sure seems like the trajectory to me.

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