Friday, September 17, 2021

On the Fact that (According to a Recent VA Study Cited in The Atlantic - Almost 50% of the Recent VA Hospital Admissions for COVID Are Either People with No Symptoms or Very Mild Symptoms

This is because a) everyone who goes to the hospital gets tested for COVID and so even if they went there for an entirely different reason, if they tested positive for COVID, it gets documented as a COVID hospitalization (you know, the whole "with" COVID versus "from" COVID situation) and b) individuals who've tested positive for COVID have gotten so damned paranoid over the virus that even if they feel fine they run off to the hospital (thanks to the media and government functionaries for that) and that gets logged as a COVID hospitalization as well.......Things that a lot of us have been saying for over a year now, in other words, and, while, yeah, I do appreciate The Atlantic stepping up to the plate here (as opposed to New York Times, CNN, MSLSD, etc., all of whom are continuing to push the government-sanctioned fear-porn bullshit), just a wee-bit tardy, wouldn't you say? 

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