Friday, September 10, 2021

On CNN and MSLSD Derisively Referring to Ivermectin (a Medication that's Killed Fewer People In 40 Years than the COVID Jabs Have In 6 Months) as a "Horse Dewormer"

Despicable in that a) these big media conglomerates get billions of dollars every year from big pharma and so of course they're going to trash these pennies-on-the-dollar generic drugs and push instead the much more pricey options like vaccines (, b) there are numerous drugs that both animals and humans take and so to try and make hay over this aspect of Ivermectin is just more bald ignorance, and c) there is a plethora of strong evidence that Ivermectin works on COVID and so the haters don't even have a leg to stand on regarding that (Google Dr. Pierre Kory and learn something for Christ). In fact if anyone needs a horse dewormer......

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