Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Pandemic of the Obese?

From a lot of the footage that I've seen, a case could probably be made.............................................................................................P.S. And, no, I don't think that we should be going around fat-shaming people. I'm only trying to underscore that obesity is one of top two or three comorbidities that make a person more susceptible to COVID and that maybe instead of "body positivity" we try and get these folks in better shape and work on their immune systems in general (suggestions that would have been seen as common sensical in a saner era but which today are perceived as hate-speech). That's all.........................As for whether a vaccine would have helped these folks, maybe, but being that the VAERS system has rung-up at least 15,000 vaccine-related fatalities and many multiples more urgent-care visits, hospitalizations, etc., I'm simply not convinced of it.   

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