Friday, August 27, 2021

On Senator Coons Hammering Zark Muckerberg, Not Because the Fellow's Been Censoring too Much but Because He's Censoring too Little (Gotta' Get Rid of that Misinformation After All)

There are many reasons why I left the Democratic party (their new found affinity for the F.B.I. and C.I.A., their pronounced lurch towards socialism, the constant identity politics bullshit, etc.) but this my friends is the biggie; a literal effort to squelch anything that even modestly questions the low IQ bureaucratic narrative and the fact that they're doing in concert with these autistic tech billionaires and the corporate press makes it even more disgusting. Please, to all of the cogent Democrats out there, try and rein some of this foolishness in (even if you can only get it done at the local level) because trust me, once they silence all of those dreaded right-wingers, they'll likely come for you next, the historical pattern being what it is.

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