Sunday, August 8, 2021

On the New Infrastructure Boondoggle (Which a Large Contingent of Republican Senators Voted for, too, but I Digress) Containing $175 Billion In Subsidies for Electric Vehicles Because as We All Know There Hasn't Been Enough Cronyism Marshaled In that Direction Already

And these sons of bitches aren't even that green in that the things, a) require a huge amount of rare earth minerals that are currently being strip-mined in third-world areas with the end result being environmental devastation, b) require an extraordinary amount of energy to make with 99% of that energy coming from, yep', you got it, fossil fuel, and c) eventually shit the bed and when they do there's a massive amount of hazardous waste to deal with.............Needless to say the imbeciles in Congress have likely considered none of this and so, yeah, bald-faced forms of crony capitalism like this......ain't going anywhere......anytime soon. Sadly.   

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