Tuesday, August 31, 2021

On the Fact that Vaccinating Everybody Is as Unscientific as Vaccinating Nobody (the Hard Fact that Previously Infected Individuals Already Possess the Antibodies and thus There's Only a Downside to Taking the Vaccine, Young People Potentially Face a Higher Risk from the Vaccine than from COVID, Some Folks Prefer to Focus On Treatment and Prevention, etc.)......and Yet In Spite of this Our Wise Overlords Who Are Either Not as Wise as Advertised or Compromised Beyond Belief Continue to Hammer Away with this Guinness Book of World Records Caliber One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Yeah, I guess that this is what happens when gazillions of dollars are to be had and when the political hucksters are likely to be the primary benefactor. A pretty familiar movie script, isn't it?  

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