Sunday, August 29, 2021

On the Fact that Only 28% of Black People In New York Have Been Vaccinated and so Starting Next Month that Piece of Shit de Blasio Will Be Denying Service to 72% of Black Americans In His City

Yeah, this whole mindset that we need to make people suffer in order to protect them from a virus that is less likely to kill them than driving in their automobile is ludicrous and I know this because, a) no sane person has ever suggested it before (just like no sane person has ever suggested a 10 mile per hour speed-limit or that we should end air travel altogether) and b) as recently as four years ago the CDC came out with a new pandemic preparedness protocol and, guess what, no draconian bullshit (universal masking, quarantining healthy people, economic lockdowns, mandating medicine, etc.). And yet this is where we are in hard as that is to believe.

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