Wednesday, August 11, 2021

On the ADL's Very First Sentence On Nick Fuentes Describing the Guy as a "White Supremacist"

I don't know how many times that I need to go over this shit but here we go again. A white supremacist is someone who, a) believes that the white race is SUPERIOR and b) wishes to rule over the various other races - NEITHER OF WHICH MR. FUENTES IS GUILTY OF. And he isn't even a white nationalist in that while, yes, he's concerned about the demographic shift in America, his solution isn't ethnic cleansing or anything draconian like that but rather a reduction in third-world immigration (a topic that reasonable folks can probably debate without demonization). Of course, that not being vile enough for the ADL, they did what they perpetually do, manufacture evil. They're the Michael Jordan of it...............................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not a fan or follower of Nick. I'm just getting fucking tired of the left's constant changing of the language and their use of it to demonize people who they disagree with politically. That's it. 

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