Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Main Facets of Tyranny?

Forced to answer I'd probably go with, a) a massive surveillance state, b) an arbitrary and unequal legal system (based upon political connections and one's adherence to orthodoxy), c) the indoctrination of children (starting early and proceeding into college), d) a sycophantic media that feeds its viewers whatever bullshit that the entrenched bureaucrats instruct them to, e) other corporate entities which also do the bidding of the permanent government in exchange for special favors (can you say, tech monopolies?), f) government sponsored and/or approved speech suppression, and g) the government securing a total monopoly on force. There are probably more but I'm happy with these seven for now..............................................................................................................P.S. And, yes, they do sound eerily familiar, huh?

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