Monday, July 12, 2021

On What Constitutes Far-Right Nowadays

Believing that the top tax rate to be 37% instead of 39?......Wanting our immigration policy to be an orderly and legal one as opposed to having thousands of people bums-rush the border every day?......Being against our schools and universities teaching bald-faced anti-Americanism and scholarly-free foolishness like critical race theory?......Seeing the silliness in banning one type of rifle and thinking that this will somehow reduce gun violence (quite a few other alternatives, folks)?......Offering a stimulus package that's only slightly less profligate than the Democrats' plan?......Being in favor of voter I.D. (a belief that 80% of Black-Americans also possess, it seems)?......I mean, yeah, I guess that if you threw white-nationalists and neo-Nazis into the cauldron you could possibly cobble together some sort of point but being that a) 99.99% of mainstream Republicans would buttress your condemnations and b) we're talking in terms of a couple of rather small subsets here, helpful and constructive, I don't think so.

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