Monday, July 26, 2021

On Living In an Era Where Simply Saying, "Freedom Is Good", "a Boy Is a Boy", "a Girl Is a Girl", and "Yeah, I'm Pretty Sure that Two Plus Two Equals Four" Can Get You Labeled All Sorts of Bad Things

And here's the thing, most people don't even subscribe to a microscopic speck of this foolishness but because they're either too in the dark, too disinterested, or too beat down to challenge it, the shit is literally enveloping us (in schools, corporations, the mainstream media, etc., etc.). Thankfully we have some super pissed parents showing up at these school board meetings and it might be moving the needle some. But they can't do it by themselves. Please, if you can do so (i.e., without getting shit-canned) speak out. While we still can.

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