Wednesday, May 12, 2021

On the Fact that a Systemically Racist Country (a Legitimate One, that Is) Probably Wouldn't Have

 a) the vast percentage of school systems spitting out a consistent template of white villainy and minority oppression, b) a hard-core affirmative action policy which has given blacks and other minorities a massive advantage over their oppressors when it comes to college admissions, municipal hiring, government set-asides, etc., c) an entitlement milieu in which minorities receive a massively disproportionate percentage of the transfer payments (per capita), d) a generous immigration system that has overwhelming benefited people from the third-world, e) a small army of woke district attorneys in numerous metropolitan regions who've apparently decided that putting black people in prison simply isn't cool anymore, f) a corporate whore media that is one billion percent behind the population claiming to be victimized, and g) a societal crime situation in which blacks are 1/40th as likely to be violently attacked by their oppressors as vice versa ( Though, yes, I'll continue searching for one.

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