Sunday, May 2, 2021

On the Fact that Now that the Politicians of the World Have Seen How the Multitudes Can Be Persuaded (and/or Coerced) to Lay Down Their Lives Out of Fear, Hmm, I Wonder, Do You Think that Maybe These Lunatics Just Might Pull this Bullshit Again Someday (Like, I Don't Know, Next Year......or Tomorrow)?

Fair question, no?..............................................................................................Of course the scariest part of this foolishness is that a significant chunk of the folks who've submitted to these unscientific (six feet, for example, they just pulled out of their butt-holes), arbitrary, and destructive edicts know that they're pure bullshit......and yet we submit to them anyway (in part because we need to eat, I guess).......Doesn't bode well for the future, does it.

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