Friday, May 7, 2021

On the Fact that In the Old Days When a Political Side Lost They'd Usually Respond with, "Yeah, it Totally Sucks but We'll Get "Em Next Time" but When the Democrats Got Beat In 2016 Their Response Was, "and We'll Never Get Beat Again"

Their strategy? It probably starts with a) more tech censorship, b) more third-world immigration (they tend to vote 70% Democrat), c) allowing illegal aliens to vote, d) court-packing (as a firewall, I guess), e) granting statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. (so four more Democratic Senators in perpetuity), f) a virtual end to the Electoral College (some sleazy compact between the blue states), g) allowing 16 year-olds the right to vote (seriously, they're considering it), h) ending the filibuster, i) making mail-in voting permanent with no signature requirement, voter ID, etc., j) making ballot-harvesting legal and putting drop-boxes literally everywhere, k) allowing felons the right to vote (Bernie Sanders would even let murderers vote, for Christ), and l) instituting an Orwellian Obama Era Relic Called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing where reliable Democrat-voting minorities get wooed into the suburbs (the point being to get more Democratic Congressmen). Pretty damned comprehensive, huh?    

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