Monday, May 17, 2021

On the Fact that Colleges Have Gotten so Absurd that Merely Spitting Out Boiler-Plate Biological FACTS Will Get You "Cancelled" Now

Simply ask Colin Wright, an impressive young man with a PhD in evolutionary biology from UC Santa Barbara (with additional post-doctoral studies at Penn State). All that he did was write an article for Quillette where he stated the unimpeachable reality that there are just two sexes, not 4,396,449, an act that has made him toxic to the point where he cannot get a professorship ANYWHERE (Hillsdale or Liberty might here him but that's about it). Luckily for him he ended up working full-time at Quillette as one of their managing editors and so at least in this instance there was a satisfactory ending. Other people, yeah, not so much. 

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