Tuesday, May 4, 2021

On Biden Now Proposing Free Universal Pre-School, Because as We All Know, 12 to 16 Years of State-Sponsored Leftist Indoctrination (Even Math Is Systemically Racist Now, I Shit You Not) Simply Isn't Enough (Ditto, $30,000,000,000,000 of Debt)

And this is on top of a $1.9 trillion relief package, a proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure package, and an additional $1 trillion in miscellaneous pet-projects (the usual leftist grab-bag; education, child-care, healthcare, etc.), all of which he proposes to pay for by taxing the wealthy (the clown apparently doesn't realize that there's a point of diminishing returns with taxation as it obviously influences behavior in a multitude of ways; less investment and more tax avoidance, for example). Man is this guy ever a simpleton.........................................................................................................For additional info on the inverse correlation between the top marginal tax rate and revenues - https://paranoiacstoogetalk.blogspot.com/2014/01/its-revenue-to-federal-government-stupid.html

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