Tuesday, April 6, 2021

This from March of 2020

"Consequences of COVID-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal flu; 0.1% (death-rate)." Dr. Anthony Fauci, New England Journal of Medicine. And, "mortality rates (low overall) COVID-19 should no longer be classified as a high consequence infectious disease." Gov.UK - And so the critical question of course remains - why, after 12 months of subsequent information which buttresses these observations (the minuscule death-rate for healthy people under 70, the low death-rate in non-western regions of the world, the lack of evidence pertaining to asymptomatic spread of the virus, etc.), are we still fucking panicking? I mean, I get it that the media and government are concealing these things......and that the average individual either doesn't want to rock the boat (most of the people who I converse with in the Stop and Shop parking lot agree with my view that masks are essentially useless and yet we all just deal with it) or take the time to research the matter but, still, gotta' wake up eventually, no?

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