Wednesday, March 31, 2021

On USA Today's Race and Inclusion Editor (Some Lowbrow Grievance-Monger by the Name of Hemel Jhaveri) Getting Shit-Canned After Tweeting, "It's Always an Angry White Man, Always" (this After the Mass-Shooting In Boulder)

The chick's obvious racism aside, she's simply wrong in that it ISN'T always an "angry white man". In fact, when you factor-in gang shootings, blacks are actually somewhat more likely to perpetrate mass shootings (especially on a per capita basis) than whites ( And then of course there's the murder-rate in general which shows that blacks commit murder at a rate somewhere between 6 and 8 times that of white folks and the biggest killer stat of them all; young black men between 18 and 35 being only 4% of the population but committing nearly 50% of the murders. Look, I get it, these are uncomfortable facts and I take no great joy in pointing them out as bluntly as this (or maybe I do, who knows anymore) but if you're going to have boneheads like this Jhaveri lady spewing out such utter bullshit, you need to drive a wee-bit strong to the hole, no?

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