Wednesday, March 24, 2021

On the Possible Harms of Mask-Wearing for Healthy Individuals (Hat-Tip to Canadian Phycisist, Denis Rancourt)

Here are just a couple - a) As retainers of various pathogens. b) The droplets captured by the mask potentially being atomized and aerolized into breathable components. c) Long term effects such as depression, headaches, anxiety, etc.. d) The negative social consequences of a masked society (dehumanization, problems in communicating, etc.). e) The environmental consequences of mass mask manufacture and disposal. And f) fibers from the mask potentially being harmful if inhaled.............And the fact that people are being forced to wear these suckers for 8 to 10 hours a day FOR MONTHS. Yeah, I'd say that we need some answers here. For sure.

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