Thursday, March 18, 2021

On Piers Morgan Getting Shit-Canned from "Good Morning Britain" for the Seemingly Unpardonable Sin of Criticizing Meghan Markle (the Chick Being 25% Black a Shield of Sorts, I Guess)

So calling BS on a dimwitted socialite whose skin pigmentation is more akin to a suntanned Norwegian's than it is to Yaphet Kotto's and who is only emphasizing her "blackness" in order to score grievance points is enough to get you cancelled these days. Man, have we ever descended............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, kudos to Piers for not apologizing to the mob. a) He did nothing wrong (having an opinion is still allowed in the West, I believe) and b) the mobsters only see these apologies as weakness and so why would anybody continue to give the slantheads additional red meat? Makes zero sense and I appreciate it greatly that he held his ground. Well done, ole boy.

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