Sunday, March 21, 2021

On the Most Recent Data from the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System Now Showing this Relative to the New COVID Vaccines

1,265 deaths, 2,743 hospitalizations, 4,930 urgent care visits, 3,889 office visits, 240 anaphylaxis, and 278 Bell's Palsy. Yes, I understand that there could have been other contributing factors (I'm not like the other side which counts every death WITH COVID as a death FROM COVID) but when a individual drops dead just a few days after receiving the vaccine, the vaccine is at least a "person of interest", no?............................................................................................P.S. And, yes, it also needs to be pointed out that only a small percentage of the people who get these adverse reactions take the time to report them and, so, yeah, these stats could just be the tip of the iceberg. Yay, huh? 

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