Tuesday, March 9, 2021

On the Fact that There Are Actually Music Teachers On American Campuses These Days Telling Their Students that, "Yeah, Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, Bach, Schumann, and Berlioz Were OK Composers but the Sole Reason Why They're Famous Today Is Because They Were White Males (and Because the West Had a Written Tradition but that's of Course Left Out for Obvious Reasons)"

Please, unless your kid is going to major in something useful (computer programming, physical therapy, nursing, accounting, social work, engineering, paralegal, special education, etc.) keep 'em out of these indoctrination shitholes. a) They're being run by morons bent on destroying the country and b) your kids will likely end up needing therapy to aleve their inevitable self-hatred.........................................................................................And who in the hell came up with this notion that everyone has to go to college? I mean, have you been there lately? Half the students need remediation and at least 30% of the kids shouldn't be there at all (learning a trade being a far better option - I just wrote out a check to a plumber and, trust me, they ain't doing too poorly). But hey, as long as the social engineers are happy, I guess.

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