Sunday, March 14, 2021

On the Fact that Even the Dems Are Turning On Cuomo These Days (Regarding His Nursing Home Policies, Sexual Harassment Charges, etc.)

For a number of reasons, I'm guessing. a) The election is over and so the political fallout is minute. b) Cuomo's a potential obstacle to Kamala and so why not take him out when you have the chance? c) New York State's Attorney General, Letitia James, herself wants to be Governor some day and that could potentially be expedited by getting rid of old Andy. And d) the fellow's apparently a major league dickhead who's pissed off a great many people and, so, yeah, payback is probably a huge motivator here........................................................................................Whatever the reason, his career is clearly on life-support with staying out of jail probably being his major focus at this juncture. 

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