Saturday, March 6, 2021

On an Elderly Woman Crossing the Road to Check Out the Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson Show, Being Accosted by a Bunch of Antifa Lowlifes Calling Her a Nazi, and the General Public Ultimately Discovering that the Woman's Deceased Husband Had Served In WW2 Fighting, You Know, ACTUAL NAZIS!!!!! -

The whole Democratic party needs a Sister Soujah moment and to distance themselves from these slantheaded violent antifa communist buffoons......if for no other reason than for their own self-preservation (the harsh fact that antifa sees Democratic politicians and their media shills as nothing more than useful morons who'll likely be the first ones dragged to the guillotine). Granted it won't be easy with so many radicals in their own midst (Sanders, Waters, those four mouth-breathing socialist bimbos, etc.) but, damn, there's gotta' be a few grownups left, no?

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