Tuesday, March 16, 2021

On Al Sharpton (Circa 2006) Telling John Stossel that the Top 1% Didn't Even Pay 5% of the Total Income Tax, Asserting that They Should Dish Out at Least 15%, and When Informed by Mr. Stossel that the Top 1% Were Actually Paying 34% Already, Changing the Topic Faster than Cher Used to Change Outfits During One of Her 1970s Las Vegas Extravaganzas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84p1D1xxToQ (at 8:22)

And it isn't just Sharpton who spouts off this dusty old bromide about the rich not paying their "fair-share". They all do it and they all get away with it because the media never confronts them with the facts and the one obvious question, if 34% isn't a fair amount, what should that number be, 40%, 50%?............Of course if the electorate was a tad more educated and demanding of this corrupt corporate media......but, alas, it isn't and, so, boom, here we go again (Biden being the new standard-bearer). 

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