Sunday, February 28, 2021

On Two California Congressmen Pressuring CEOs of the Country's Major TV Providers to Essentially Purge Conservative Networks from Their Package Options as a Punishment for Their Having Doled-Out "Misinformation" and "Conspiracy Theories"

This is tyranny on steroids and the fact that they've conveniently left out CNN and MSLSD from their creepy little hit-list (two of the biggest purveyors of bullshit in modern broadcasting history; the pee-pee hoax, Hunter's laptop being some sort of Russian plant, the Capitol attack being an "armed insurrection", the antifa and BLM riots being mostly peaceful, hydroxychloroquine being a lethal drug, etc., etc.) is about as close as you can get to a smoking-gun of rank hypocrisy. Unbelievable, these assholes.

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