Saturday, February 6, 2021

On the Fact that (According to the Intercept) Nearly 90% of the People Murdered (and, No, I Don't Have a Problem Using the M-Word Here) In Recent Drone-Strikes In Afghanistan Were NOT the Intended Targets of the Attacks

Now here's a legitimate criticism that the Democrats and their shills in the media could level at President Trump......but being that a) they'd also have to acknowledge that it was their God Obama who ramped-up this drone madness (Bush was a piker by comparison) and b) they really don't give a shit about war these days (the defense industry and its ties to the media and political class likely a factor here) and so it probably isn't even their radar (thankfully we have outlets like the Intercept and Consortium News still doing some heavy lifting on this topic), any additional discussion on it is most unlikely.  

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