Friday, February 5, 2021

On Congressman Jamie Raskin (Think an East Coast Version of Adam Schiff) Sending a Letter to Trump and His Legal Team Expressing that if Mr. Trump Refuses to Testify at this Idiotic Impeachment Trial He and His Fellow Democrats Will Perceive that as a Sign of Mr. Trump's Guilt, I Shit You Not

Yeah, I must have missed that part of the Fifth Amendment which says that "no one shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself......EXCEPT FOR DONALD TRUMP IN 2021". Silly me, huh?........................................................................................P.S. And, yes, what makes this shit even more Kafkaesque is the fact that this Raskin fellow prior to getting elected in Maryland was, get this, a Constitutional law professor at American University (no, it isn't Georgetown, Cornell, or NYU but, still).......What can I say, the hits just keep comin'.  


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