Monday, January 4, 2021

On the Fact that if Selling Tens of Billions of Dollars In Weapons to Saudi Arabia, Refueling Their Jets as These Same Saudis Continue to Slaughter Thousands of Civilians In Yemen (with These Weapons), and Helping to Administer a Naval Blockade Which Is Starving to Death Countless Other Innocents Are Seen as Sinful Acts, Then Obama and Trump Are Both Going to Hell 'Cause They're Both Complicit, Thank You

How's that for bipartisanship? Not too bad, huh?............................................................................................P.S. And the sole reason why we're engaged in this savagery is because the American war-machine felt that a) it owed the Saudis a favor for our having essentially handed Baghdad to Iran on a silver-platter (due to our idiotic Iraq War) and b) the best way to accomplish this was to run roughshod over our former pals, the Huthis. To correct one miscue with another, in other words.   

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