Friday, January 29, 2021

On the Dastardly John Brennan Going On MSLSD the Other Day and Providing a Laundry-List of "Hate-Groups" that He Wants the Government to Unleash its Surveillance-State Tyranny On (Anyone Who May Have Voted for Trump Esssentially) and Amongst Those Groups He Even Included Libertarians

So the individuals who espouse the non-aggression principle he wants surveilled but the literal pieces of shit who torched hundreds of businesses, attacked federal property, stole millions of dollars in merchandise, and unleashed scores of riots which ended in several dozen murders he doles out a pass to (and, yes, I'm obviously talking about Antifa and BLM). Yeah, he's a psychopath for sure...........................................................................................P. S. And, no, not a speck of push-back from the idiot shills at MSLSD, probably because they agree. In fact, I'm sure of it.

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