Wednesday, December 16, 2020

On the Media's Dishonest and/or Idiotic Fixation On COVID "Cases" (as Opposed to the More Relevant Indicators Like Hospitalizations and the Death Rate)

Yeah, it's about as informative as counting mosquito bites but because they (these fear-mongers) see it as a way to help the Democrat, this is what we'll be getting for a while (at least until Trump gets that final shovel-full of dirt on his coffin), sadly..................................................................................................P.S. It's also important to point out that a) half of the folks who test positive are asymptomatic, b) the PCR tests are so sensitive that they're picking up fragments of the virus so tiny that the folks testing positive will neither be sick nor contagious, and c) a rise in cases among the young and healthy can actually be viewed as a fortuitous thing in that it moves us towards herd (I can use that word now because our God, Fauci, has started using it) immunity.

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