Friday, December 4, 2020

On the Fact that if Global Warming Was Such an Existential that We Only Had 12 Years Before We Hit Armageddon, (Assuming that We're Smart) We Would Be Constructing Dozens and Dozens of Nuclear and Hydroelectric Facilities and Utilizing Massive Amounts of Natural Gas In the Meantime in that These Are the Only Options that Can Measure-Up (Nuclear Having a Power Density 40 Times that of Wind and 1,000 Times that of Ethanol - and Keep Us Out of Poverty

Yeah, so either these folks (politicians and activists) are extremely ignorant when it comes to energy or they aren't and are using global warming as a means to usurp even more liberties and resources from the citizenry than they already have. Me, I'm suspecting that it's mostly the latter (though, no, betting the house on it, quite unlikely).

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