Monday, December 21, 2020

On the Fact that as Recently as May, the CDC In Their Own Journal, "Emerging Infectious Diseases", Asserted that There Was No Evidence a) of a Strong Effect of Hand-Hygiene On Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza, b) that Surgical Masks Are Effective, Either When Worn by the Infected Person or by Persons In the General Community, and c) that Cleaning Surfaces and Objects Could Significantly Reduce Influenza Transmission

Amazing how science works when the media and political hacks aren't directing it. Just a wee-bit different, huh?.................................................................................................P.S. And, yeah, I'm reasonably certain that the authors of this article weren't arguing against hand-washing and basic cleanliness, just that they didn't have a huge impact on influenza transmission (the more plausible culprit being tiny aerosols), that's all. 

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