Sunday, November 29, 2020

On What the Average Senior Would Rather Have; Three or Four More Years of COVID Torment from These Bullshit Lockdowns (with Loneliness Being Just as Lethal as a Virus Sometimes) or One More Holiday Season (Possibly More) with Family and Friends

While governments always tend to be at least somewhat myopic (Bush's "war on terror" a perfect example), what they've done over the past seven or eight months has been BEYOND Orwellian, not just in terms of bald-face tyranny but also in the inability of these buffoons to fully understand the consequences of their policies (one of which is alluded to in the title). Hopefully there'll be a day of reckoning at some point but being that we seem to be on the fast-track to full-throated totalitarianism, maybe not, huh?

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