Wednesday, November 11, 2020

On Michelle Obama (In Her Inimitable Way) Suggesting that the 70,000,000 U.S. Citizens Who Voted Mr. Trump Were Championing "Lies, Hate, Chaos, and Division" and Then In the Very Next Sentence Saying that "We" "Must Start Reaching Out to Them"

 The gal clearly needs a mulligan on this one......and yet it all seems to make sense to her (akin to her Princeton thesis, I guess). Perplexing, huh?....................................................................................................And is she really and truly suggesting that her husband didn't also exhibit these traits (a fellow who instilled race-consciousness into every molecule of the Federal government, stuck his nose into every controversial police shooting, dropped more bombs on the Middle-East than Bush, lied his ass off about Obamacare, unleashed his intelligence agencies onto his successor and the fellow's associates, etc.)? 'Cause if she is, I sure as shit ain't buyin' it. Not even a little. 

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