Tuesday, November 24, 2020

On the Fact that Those Slantheaded and Venal Socialist Congresswomen Have Apparently Decided to Shit All Over the Pilgrims this Thanksgiving (Because as We All Know, Had Some Sub-Saharan Black Africans, Mongols, Aztecs, or Turks Landed On Plymouth Rock Back In 1620 Things Would Have Gone sooooooo Much Better)

Again, these imbeciles fail to understand that a) it's stupid to judge people from 400 YEARS AGO by today's standards and sensibilities, b) if you go back far enough you'll notice that the "currency" of virtually every country's borders is blood and that those of the United States are no different, c) colonization and migration have been universal behaviors all throughout history (even amongst the animal kingdom) and so to single-out white Europeans as the sole perpetrators of them is beyond ignorant, d) whenever there is a clash between two civilizations the more advanced civilization invariably prevails (sorry but, yeah) e) atrocities have been perpetrated by virtually every ethnic group on the planet (Xhosa against Khoikhoi and San, Zulus against multiple tribes, Comanches against Apaches, Muslims against Hindus in India, Mongols against Kievan Rus', Ottoman Turks against Armenians, and Maori against Moriori, just to name several), and f) the interactions between white Europeans and other racial groups haven't always been negative and have actually been beneficial in many cases (the prevention of genocide in Africa, the sharing of technological advancements, the building of infrastructure throughout the world, better outcomes for life-expectancy, literacy, infant mortality, etc., etc.). Of course if you hate the U.S. and have been insular throughout your entire life (at university, in your little ethnic enclave, etc.), you probably haven't thought any of this through but, come on, as an adult it's time, no?          

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