Monday, November 9, 2020

On the Fact that I've Decided to Petition the United Nations In an Effort to Get a Worldwide Speed-Limit of 20 mph (32 in Terms of Kilometers, an Action that Could Potentially Prevent 1,000,000 Road-Deaths a Year......and if You Don't Get Behind Me On this THEN YOU JUST WANT PEOPLE TO DIE!!

This is of course an idiotic proposal in that virtually every molecule of common-sense informs us that the globe couldn't function under such brain-diseased parameters (disruptions in the food and medicine supply, folks dying in ambulances, etc.)......and yet for some bizarre reason large swaths of the population are seemingly incapable of connecting the dots when it comes to these draconian COVID policies and the destructive consequences resulting from them (from increased suicides and cancer deaths in the first-world to a huge spike in tuberculosis cases in the third world). I mean, I get it that there are likely some political motivations here (partisanship, a tendency for governments to use emergencies to further their power, etc.) but, please, when it starts getting into the realm of psychopathy, Plan B, maybe? I'm just askin'.    

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