Tuesday, November 17, 2020

On the Fact that if You Take Your Mask Off, You Need to Wash Your Hands, Put the Mask On a Clean (Preferably Sterile) Surface, and Wash Your Hands Again Prior to Putting it Back On......AND NONE OF THIS IS HAPPENING!!!

And this is likely why, according to the CDC - "evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures (face masks) did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza" and "those who come into close contact with a COVID patient for more than 15 minutes could spread the virus regardless of whether either individual wears a mask" and why you should probably just use your own commonsense on the matter and not listen to bureaucrats, politicians, etc.. My take, at least..............................................................................................P.S. And examining the data might not be a bad idea, either - https://paranoiacstoogetalk.blogspot.com/2020/11/on-europes-mask-mandates.html - I'm just sayin'.

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