Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Things that Fake Tapper Apparently Isn't Interested In - Edition 3

a) President Trump Signing Criminal Justice Reform 26 Years After Then-Senator Joe Biden Voted for the 1994 Crime Bill......b) The resurfacing of Hunter Biden's hard-drive which shows unimpeachable evidence of Biden family corruption and maybe worse (and F.B.I. agent with a specialty in child pornography has purportedly been called onto the case).......c) The New York Times back in 2012 writing a story with THIS as its heading, "Error and Fraud at Issue as Absentee Voting Rises" and THIS within its text - "Voting by mail is now common enough and problematic enough that election experts say there have been multiple elections in which no one can say with confidence which candidate was the deserved winner............while fraud in voting by mail is far less common than innocent errors, it is vastly more prevalent than in-person voting fraud."......d) Obama, Biden, and Hillary destroying Libya to the point where it's currently a failed-state replete with open-air slave auctions.......e) Oxfam now proclaiming that as many as 130,000,000 people could starve to death because of these tyrannical and slantheaded lockdowns........And f) our political leaders initially saying that the lockdowns were only supposed to last several weeks as a means to flatten the curve AND THAT WAS SEVEN MONTHS AGO!!!  

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