Sunday, October 11, 2020

Things that Fake Tapper Apparently Isn't Interested In - Edition 1

a) Joe Biden having made a shitload of racially insensitive statements over the years (Obama "a clean black man", "they'll put ya' all back in chains", "you ain't black of you don't vote for me", the black population "not being diverse", etc.).......b) Joe Biden not just showing up at Robert Byrd's funeral but also giving a speech there (Byrd being a former KKK head-honcho).......c) Joe Biden having a much more credible sexual assault allegation directed at him than the ones which the Dems implemented to try and destroy Kavanaugh.......d) The director of the Illinois department of health admitting at a live press conference that they were including hospice deaths and deaths from clear alternate causes in the COVID death tally.......e) President Trump being the first U.S. leader since Jimmy Carter to not have started a new war.......f) President Trump helping to bring about peace agreements in the Middle East and the Balkans.......g) The COVID death-rate plummeting to levels akin to those of the seasonal flu (infections going up, deaths down).......h) Democratic mayors essentially sitting back and allowing hooligans to burn and loot their cities.......i) Blue-state Governors mandating COVID infected patients back in to nursing-homes, policies that probably ended up in the deaths of thousands.......And j) the devastating unintended consequences of these lockdown policies more than likely having resulted in more death and suffering than the virus itself (deaths of despair, deaths from delaying medical treatments, screenings, etc., starvation in the developing world, etc.)....................................................................................................And, yes, please stay tuned for edition 2, coming shortly.   

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