Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Some Questions that Shill, Norah O'Donnell, Could Have Posed to Mr. Biden Instead of the Cartoonishly Deferential Ones that She Gently Lobbed His Way

Mr. Biden - a) Are those emails real or not? b) Did that laptop belong to Hunter? c) Is that Hunter's signature on the computer repair shop's invoice? d) Was your son ever in that computer shop? e) Did you ever meet with Burisma executives as was stated in those emails? f) has your son ever referred to you as, "the big guy" and are you the big guy alluded to in those emails? And g) did you know that the F.B.I. has possessed the original copy of that hard-drive for over a year now and if so have you ever contacted them about the matter?............Yeah, there are probably more but how 'bout those for starters, MS. O'Donnell?

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