Wednesday, October 21, 2020

On the New York Post Getting a Hold of Hunter Biden's Old Computer Hard-Drive, Finding Out that it Contained Extremely Incriminating Evidence Against the Biden Family, Reporting On the Evidence, Big Tech Conglomerates Squashing All Mentioning of it On Their Platforms, and the Corporate Press Spinning On the Story In the Most Absurd Ways Conceivable (Bringing Up Russia YET AGAIN) to Mitigate the Damage to Biden's Increasingly Preposterous Campaign

 We are currently witnessing the most egregious case of election interference in modern history and virtually no one in the media is covering it (mainly because they're part of it, I'm assuming). Thankfully there are still a sufficient number of alternative web-sites that are covering these stories (the Biden controversy, the media's refusal to cover it, and big tech censorship) but, who knows, maybe they'll get removed someday, too. It wouldn't surprise me.

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