Saturday, October 10, 2020

On the Fact that the Words; Trade-Offs, Unintended, and Consequences, Are Apparently Not In this Asshole's Vocabulary

Yeah, he so reminds me of Captain Ahab, focusing on one thing at the expense of everything else (1.4 million excess deaths from tuberculosis, for example - and seemingly not caring about it. Hopefully when this whole thing is over he'll be made to pay for his crimes but being that he's politically connected to the nines, probably not, would be my guess.......................................................................................P.S. And did you see his interview with Chris Cuomo, Cuomo serving-up nothing but softballs and this clown reciprocating by praising Fredo's lunatic brother (AKA, the Governor of New York)? It was an abomination and yet this is the bullshit that's constantly being pushed-out nowadays. So frustrating. 

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