Thursday, October 15, 2020

On the Fact that the U.S. Senate Used to Be Filled with Countless Amazing Democrats (Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, John Glenn, William Proxmire, Sam Nunn, David Boren, Paul Tsongas, Lloyd Bentsen, Dennis DeConcini, etc., etc.) and Now There Isn't a Plug One (They're All Either Morons or Hard Leftists......or Both)

And, no, I'm not arguing that the Republicans are anything to write home about, either (they've essentially become a soft progressive party in their own right firing out multi-trillion dollar legislation that will annihilate future generations almost as quickly as the Dem's foolishness), but at least they come across as partially sane. Sheldon Whitehouse, Mazie Horono, Kamala Harris, Dick Blumenthal, etc., yeah, not so much.

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