Friday, October 9, 2020

On the Fact that if In 2012 a Cadre of Republican Luminaries, Backed by the Koch Brothers, Started War-Gaming Election Scenarios with the Culmination of One of Them Being Bringing In the 82nd Airborne to Force Obama from Office, Not Only Would the Media Go Nuts, the Justice Department Would Probably Swoop In as Well............but Because it's a Bunch of Democratic Scumbags Who Are Engaging In this Insanity (Some Jackbooted Thuggery Called the "Transition Integrity Project"), Not a Creature Is Stirring Not Even a Louse

And I'll bet that if moderate and mainstream Democrats knew about this, a fair number of them would probably defect (maybe not vote for Trump but go for a third-party candidate......or just stay home), which is why they're ignoring it FOR SURE.

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