Monday, October 19, 2020

On the Fact that Even Though a Biden Flack Is On the Record (During a Recent Fox News Segment with Leland Vitter) Admitting that the Recently Released Hunter Biden Emails Are NOT Inauthentic, We Still Have These Imbecilic Politicians (with Shifty Schiff Leading the Pack of Course) and Media Buffoons Trying to Pass Them Off as "Russian Disinformation"

And like I've said before, there wasn't a single prominent Democrat (politician OR media buffoon) prior to November, 2016 who'd ever said a damn thing about Russia (even though the Obama administration was supposedly monitoring their social media foolishness) and who in fact had made sport of Mitt Romney for asserting that the Russians were some sort of strategic problem (for the record, I, too, considered it a dumb statement)............and then Hillary lost, opening up the flood-gates SEEMINGLY FOREVER!!! Oh well, at least we've gotten some entertainment from it, I guess. Looking at the bright side.

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